Men’s Health Month – Prevent Heart Disease, Cancer, Mental Health And Suicide

Men’s Health Month – Prevent Heart Disease, Cancer, Mental Health And Suicide

Help Prevent Heart Disease, Cancer, Mental Health And Suicide

When it comes to men’s health, the statistics are shocking. On average, men die 6 years earlier than women. Of the 10 leading causes of death, men die more in 9 out of 10. Over a third of adult men are obese. 

Men are 24% less likely than women to have seen a doctor in the last year. 

Most of the conditions causing early death and discomfort in men are preventable. So why don’t men see a doctor?

A few reasons: 

  • Too busy
  • Fear of finding out something is wrong
  • The discomfort of the exam

Many men admit to not being honest with their doctor if they do end up getting an appointment. Men tend to keep health concerns private. 

Men are not sufficiently encouraged to establish with a doctor after childhood. Women will establish with an OB/GYN or Family Doctor and continue with regular check-ups. It’s time for this to be the new normal for men. Regular preventive checkups need to start as young men and that habit needs to be encouraged and continue throughout life.

It can seem inconvenient and even scary to get a check-up. This is the time to face those fears. If men are honest with the doctor, there will be a sense of relief that comes from facing their health head-on.

Here are 4 men’s health issues that your Physician can help prevent and address:

Heart Disease

This is by far the most common cause of death in both men and women. However for men, it can present 10-15 years earlier than women. Men will die of heart disease in the prime of life. Over 70% of sudden heart events occur in men. Half of these events come on without any previous symptoms. It is essential to see a physician regularly and set healthy lifestyle habits early.

At your visit we can: 

  • Check blood pressure
  • Check your cholesterol
  • Calculate your risk of a heart event
  • Make a heart-healthy diet plan
  • Make an exercise plan
  • Make a weight loss plan if needed
  • Offer medication and counseling to help quit smoking
  • Decide if you need a sleep study
  • Decide if you need further heart studies 

You can: 



The second leading cause of death in men is cancer. Cancers of the Lung, Prostate, and Colon are the most common. With proper exams and screening, we have a good chance of catching these cancers early.  Testicular cancer is the most common cause of cancer in young men ages 20-54. If caught it is very treatable. Skin cancer is also very common and can be detected with a quality skin check and prevented by limiting sun exposure and using sunscreen. 

At your visit we can: 

  • Discuss prostate, colon and lung cancer screening
  • Check for testicular abnormalities
  • Perform a complete skin check
  • Give expert cancer prevention guidance
  • Offer medication and counseling to quit smoking

You can: 


Up to age 45, accidents cause the majority of deaths in men. The most common are motor vehicle accidents, drug overdoses, and falls. Men can be reckless, it’s true. As men age, falls become more common due to weakness and medication side effects. 

At your visit we can: 

  • Assess for drug or alcohol dependence
  • Offer treatment for drug or alcohol dependence
  • Practice safe medication prescribing 
  • Order a home safety evaluation if needed

You can: 

Mental Health and Suicide

Poor mental health can sneak up on men. Unfortunately, many men do not seek help. Men tend to hold feelings in. Men need to talk.  Men take their own life nearly 4 times as often as women. It’s tragic and is largely preventable.  Depression is underdiagnosed in men and is the main risk factor for suicide. Depression can be treated. 

At your visit we can: 

  • Assess for common mental health problems like depression and anxiety
  • Provide a listening ear
  • Offer referral to further counseling 
  • Offer medication 

You can: 

Set up an appointment or encourage the men in your life to get a preventive check-up. It may be the difference.

Feeling Distressed, Depressed, Anxious or Concerned?

If you are feeling distressed, depressed, anxious or concerned we are here to help. Please set up a Telehealth appointment to discuss options. Telehealth appointments can be done with a computer or a smart-phone. We’ll come up with a personalized plan together.

Stewart Wilkey, D.O., M.P.H.




Victor M. Dalforno, M.D.

Diplomate, American Board of Pediatrics
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